Friday, 19 October 2012

We are product of our own created system.

**If not read, please read the earlier post first

Nature has created us with both drive as well as ability to think logically. Drive and logical thinking are supposed to go hand to hand. Drive always tries to push us into direction which nature wants and logic is supposed to help us going in that direction.

Instead of understanding how nature wants us to live our life, we have created our own system. Things which are rewards for following our drive, we have made them as prime objective and we have created our own definition of success and failure.

We have forgotten nature and now logical thinking has become synonymous to following something which is required by system created by us.

We are product of our own created system now and our upbringing, our mindset, our desires, our way of perceiving success and failures is defined by this system. Slowly we are realizing this unnatural way of living is causing stressful life and making us uncomfortable because now there is conflict between what nature wants and what our system wants.

It is not that Mahatma Gandhi/Newton or Steve jobs are famous personalities and that’s why we are talking about them, this thinking of recognizing them as few of the successful and famous comes from definition of success/fame defined by our system. For nature anybody following his drive and reaching to some milestone is a successful person.

Did Mahatma Gandhi know beforehand that he will become so famous?  Or did he follow his drive to become famous? To me, he is made more famous than what he deserves because some people are using his name for their own purpose. There are many freedom fighters, not much known, are they not great?

If definition of success itself is wrong, it gives birth to fear of failure. Any organization/system where people are just measured by this kind of success. You will find, people are selfish, no team work, scared of taking risk, confused and manipulative. Is this the purpose of creating a system?

This all is happening because people who do not follow their drive are sitting on top of people who follow their drive. Knowingly or unknowingly these people are modifying our system and taking it further away from the system which nature wants.

This is a clear indication of downfall of system. It’s better to have a system where what we want and what nature want is aligned, where what we thinks as success, fame and wealth is aligned with what nature wants.

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