Friday, 26 October 2012

Who cares man; the system is running and will continue running like this!

Many of us think who cares man! The system is running and will continue like this.
For nature drive is a mechanism to keep our system align with itself, if we understand nature and if we follow our drive, we will have happy/satisfying/evolving life. If we don’t, and if we continue like this for long, nature has the way of fixing the problem.
The weapon of drive which it has given us to live happy life, It can use same weapon to force us align with itself. But when it reaches to such extent, the way of fixing is very ruthless, surprising, sudden and can bring lot of disaster.
Not only it can drive a common man to fix the problem, it can also drive the people controlling this man-made system themselves, to bring the change! If such time comes, it will be earth shaking for us and we will not be ready to accept the change!
If we see modern world, slowly this man-made system is exposing itself and people/organizations are realizing it. For past few years, organizations are bringing changes. New ways of running organization are taking place.  If you see startup and spin off culture, they are a revolution against bureaucracy in organizations. Restructuring, reorganization and layoffs are other examples which are very ruthless and sudden.  Spin off culture is like a curse for people who are in bigger organization and really want to do something.
Organizations have realized that bureaucracy is becoming a bottleneck for growth. New market segments are emerging, customer requirements are changing, technology is changing in other words the whole surrounding is evolving but the organizations are stuck.
Now the drive is coming from top, your own Boss will tell you “do something!”. But what someone can do? Because till now we have assumed that things are in our control and nothing is going to change? It is very difficult to adopt to change now. Most of the people in organization have grown with the flow. They do not have right skills; they are in their middle ages with lot of family and financial responsibilities! Everyone is realizing, but it is too late now, we are trapped in our own created system
It is not like; this is something new happening in modern world. If we look back our history, it is happening for years. Today we have organization earlier it was happening with empires. The downfalls of empires are on similar patterns.  If we go deeper, we will find it is happening with all man-made system, whether it is our family, society, community, business, government, jobs, etc. 
Our ancestor might have learned it but looks like the knowledge is lost. Some of us who are realizing it might be thinking, by the time it will happen, we would have made our bucks. But it is not like that, earlier the realization was slow and now days because of fast changing environment, realization is fast and with time it is going to be further fast.
Our man-made system is a subsystem of nature and hence all the property of nature also applies to it. Drive is a mechanism, used by nature, to keep our system align with it. Its better we try to understand nature and starts following our drive otherwise someday we will face the consequences very badly. Now it depends on us which path we like to go!

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Understanding nature is more important

**If not read, please read the earlier post first
Following our drive is just a way of leading in direction that nature wants. More important thing is, understanding what nature wants.

It is more like educating ourselves about how nature wants us to lead our life. Right now we are not educated in accordance to nature. Despite of that nature is evolving and it is getting it work done. Only problem is that rather than enjoying our life we are burning our self like fuel in furnace.

We are confused about our behavior and our way of perceiving others. Most of the time, we just start perceiving things looking at other people. We don’t try to reason and understand. Everyone is just running behind money. If you notice people in offices, people have zero identity. They don’t know anything about themselves; someone just wants to acquire some position because his colleague has just acquired it. We never reason, we just want to do it.

If we understand that someone has acquired some position because that is his drive. We can ask ourselves, is it my drive also? If we understand he has acquired some position but that is not his drive. We can reason, is he going to be successful? Reasoning helps us, not going in some wrong direction unnecessarily.nature is the fundamental and it should be the basis for any comparison.

If we understand that nature is continuously evolving, we will never try to control thing so hard that it cannot move to next step. We will be more open to coming new generation, more listening to other people, more respecting others.

If we are educated in accordance with nature we know who we are, what we are doing and what is the end result. Even if someone is not following his drive he will be aware, what position he deserve and why, why somebody following drive deserve more than him and if he needs that position what he needs to do.

As we are more aware, we will not try to get things just because of greed and jealousy. We will not try to create system for our own will and purpose.

Knowledge/education about nature will provides us reasoning and reasoning will make us understand things. We will act more like humansJ. Right now we have created a system which is more like jungle and we are defeating the purpose of nature, creating us as a finest and sophisticated creation.

Friday, 19 October 2012

We are product of our own created system.

**If not read, please read the earlier post first

Nature has created us with both drive as well as ability to think logically. Drive and logical thinking are supposed to go hand to hand. Drive always tries to push us into direction which nature wants and logic is supposed to help us going in that direction.

Instead of understanding how nature wants us to live our life, we have created our own system. Things which are rewards for following our drive, we have made them as prime objective and we have created our own definition of success and failure.

We have forgotten nature and now logical thinking has become synonymous to following something which is required by system created by us.

We are product of our own created system now and our upbringing, our mindset, our desires, our way of perceiving success and failures is defined by this system. Slowly we are realizing this unnatural way of living is causing stressful life and making us uncomfortable because now there is conflict between what nature wants and what our system wants.

It is not that Mahatma Gandhi/Newton or Steve jobs are famous personalities and that’s why we are talking about them, this thinking of recognizing them as few of the successful and famous comes from definition of success/fame defined by our system. For nature anybody following his drive and reaching to some milestone is a successful person.

Did Mahatma Gandhi know beforehand that he will become so famous?  Or did he follow his drive to become famous? To me, he is made more famous than what he deserves because some people are using his name for their own purpose. There are many freedom fighters, not much known, are they not great?

If definition of success itself is wrong, it gives birth to fear of failure. Any organization/system where people are just measured by this kind of success. You will find, people are selfish, no team work, scared of taking risk, confused and manipulative. Is this the purpose of creating a system?

This all is happening because people who do not follow their drive are sitting on top of people who follow their drive. Knowingly or unknowingly these people are modifying our system and taking it further away from the system which nature wants.

This is a clear indication of downfall of system. It’s better to have a system where what we want and what nature want is aligned, where what we thinks as success, fame and wealth is aligned with what nature wants.

Friday, 12 October 2012

I worked so hard for it and now I’m losing my control over it!!

**If not read, please read the earlier post first
At some point of our life many of us have these feeling. We feel surprised; we feel that we work so hard but now things are not in our hand. We feel that, now it is our right to have things in our hand. Whether it’s our family, job or business at some point we feel it. The truth is different, we are part of evaluation process and nature’s objective is to use us for evolution and whatever we try, we cannot stop it.
For our understanding purpose, we can break down evolution process into three major steps.
  • Step 1 – where we try to pursue something.
  • Step 2 – where we try to give some shape to our persuasion.
  • Step 3 – where our persuasion is in some shape. By this time it has created a new surrounding where there are new missing things, new things requiring improvement and certain things are totally missing. At this point, nature triggers us to pursue further and tell us to move to step 1 again J  
Nature has designed us to go through these steps. Our problem is that after step 3, rather than moving to step 1 again, we try to stay at step 3 and try to control things.
People who are pursuing positions/power/money as their objective are the prime victim getting stuck at step 3. They started with that objective only and once they achieve it they start’s controlling things. Now they will start creating problem for new people also. The fear of losing control makes them insecure, in a way they start creating problem for further evolution.
Whatever way you take nature will evolve. Even if you do not take the right path of following your drive it will get its work done. These people never evolve while rest of the surrounding is evolving. After sometime this gape becomes so big that these people will become incompetent to cope up the new challenges and they will start controlling things by manipulation. Nature has simply used them to evolve itself  and now they don’t have capability to move to step 1. Soon someone else will replace them, in other sense they will be simply rejected by nature.
People who follow their drive are always skillful, getting evolved in sync with the rest of surrounding and always ready to move to step 1 again.
People who run behind positions/power/money they spend their entire life in pain and stress hoping some day they will have comfortable life and things will be in their control. There is no point fooling ourselves by believing that success/happiness is sitting somewhere at high altitude and once we reach there we will get itJ.
Success/ happiness is in following our drive. Every small milestone which we achieve while following our drive is success and the whole journey is full of success and happiness.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Only leaders follow their drive!

**If not read, Please read the earlier post first

Most of the people think only leaders follow their drive. We will simply just do the work assigned to us.
It’s wondering for me that in organizations people talk about doing team work but they hardly understand about it. Our drive is our strength and organization should try to gain as much as possible on our strength. For me team work can be done by mixing people with different drive in such a way that they are able to complement each other. Organization expects only few people to perform like super human which is not natural at all. Super human exist only in storiesJ.
Did u ever think why nature has created us in numbers? Why just one is not sufficient?
Each one of us has limited perspective and when we follow our drive its little less because, we are more focused. A complex problem or project requires to be seen from different perspective. So it’s not one person we need team of People complementing each other’s drive.  
This one man army approach is putting lot of stress on one person. Another problem is that other team members don’t feel any attachment with the work. It is also stopping them to evolve on their skills. This is causing people to grow in the organization without proper skills and after few years they will go in survival mode, where the only option left to survive is manipulation.
Funny thing is that one hand organization expects us to act like “five man army” and other hand they expect us to act like “one man army” also. (Five man army …one of my favorite movie).
The best example is Sachin Tendulkar. Every one of us knows that what has happened to his performance when he was appointed as captain of Indian cricket team.
Solutions to most of the problem are hidden in nature we just need to start exploring.